just sitting,

By justsitting

In Summary

Collected the girls today and popped in to visit a friend in Stirling.
Home and a wee hive of activity.

Over the year I have wandered along to 43movies at the cinema. And there has been call for a top ten.

1. Neon Demon
2. Hateful Eight
3. Anomalisa
4. Son of Saul
5. Paterson
6. Nocturnal Animals
7. Highrise
8. Arrival
9. Victoria
10. Room

Also this has been a fairly life changing year for me. One where I started unsure of a huge decision which has turned out to be one of the most empowering things I have ever done.
I have also started climbing again, riding big miles and running hills and mountains. My time with my girls is still my priority but it is now on our terms together.

I can only hope 2017 will be as positive and enjoyable as 2016 has been. I hope yours is too.

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