Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

New Year rose wish you a very happy one!  I know a lot of us feel trepidation about this year, but on a blip and personal basis we can wish for all the good things in life for us and our friends and families.  I do for you x

I have to admit, with all the stinking grey and rain, I have hardly moved out of my bedroom today, where I even took this shot in my new little 'studio' corner.  And I'm thrilled with the way it's performed, with only low levels of ambient daylight plus my Heath Robinson set up.

Apart from that it's been the New Year concert from Vienna and other gorgeous music, texts and phone calls with lovely friends.  And now it will be a little light cooking and the new 'Sherlock', which I've been waiting for all Christmas!

Have a fab one - bit of the hair of the dog, eh?  xx

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