Happy New Year

I was a very happy Vegemite blipper to be able to photograph ice AND a waterfall for my first blip for 2017. In fact I got to do it twice. This morning Hubby and his friend drove me to see this waterfall which is not far from our friends' place. It had frozen over but it is now flowing in the middle. I tried some slow water shots but I didn't bring my tripod this trip so I used my camera bag which is waterproof underneath. Hubby very creatively gathered a couple of branches to make a tripod (extra). It wasn't that stable but I used the self timer as well which worked better but the photos were not completely sharp. 
After lunch I visited their neighbour who is an artist and also likes photography. she joined blip but doesn't have time to post anything. When I told her the waterfall was frozen she asked me if I would go with her to photograph it. It was freezing mid afternoon and darker than it was in the morning but it was interesting trying different settings to capture the light. This image was 1/2 sec and the extra 1/15. Please look 'large'. There were some pretty icicles on a branch over the stream and I have put some extras on Flickr

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