First Ride of 2017 - Dirty Girl!

Yes it was cold and frosty but hadn't had a ride since well before Christmas so went to visit my old Aunt in Tarrington, half way between Ledbury and Hereford in Herefordshire. A round trip of 53 miles.
There was no rain at all but because of the damp roads from the frost and ice the Shadow, as I call her, got quite filthy, hence the Dirty Girl in the title.

I tried out my new handlebar grip heaters, they do get warm but it was so cold in the morning the back of my fingers got very cold but it wasn't too bad on the way back. They run off rechargable batteries whereas the proper handlebar grip heaters are connected to the battery and are much more efficient, but also 4 times the price. However, when I upgrade I think I will invest in the real McCoy.
The extra photo shows how dirty she got, this is all just crud, grit and salt off the road so important to get it off or the soft metals around the engine will corrode, a problem that someone ignored in the past history of this bike. She had a good wash in soapy car wash warm water and dried with microfibre cloths before going back in the garage.

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