Strike that. Reverse it!



Today it was back to school for Mikey and back to work for Paul. This meant the dreaded school run..... Boy I haven't missed that! Least its more relaxing this week with only one school drop off and pick up to do instead of the two different schools.  Yes that's one of the things that has happened since I last blipped in March 2016.  Mikey went to high school so I have two schools to negotiate on a daily basis :0( 

I have complained about the different holidays for days, weeks or even months.... Now its here I have actually really enjoyed being able to spend quality one-to-one time with the boys.  Today it was Tommys turn.

So that means What Tommy says goes this week......
Firstly we baked a cake this morning as a surprise return to work treat for Paul and Mikey.  Then we went to the cinema this afternoon.  A perfect day.  No arguing siblings! No refereeing! No trying to split myself in two! No raising their voices to be heard over the other! No pick ups at the same time in different towns! The list is endless..... but in all honesty I wouldn't have it any other way.  I may have greyer hair and slightly more stressed but most of the time its ok. I will be making the most of it this week though! :0)

Waffling again but on a whole I have had a pretty good day.  Same again tomorrow I hope with perhaps less grumbling from the tween in the morning when he has to get up. 

yay laptop worked today!

Hope you've had a good day xx

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