Nearly missed these.

I've never been a huge fan of online buying on the grounds that ... If enough of us did enough of it for long enough we'd render the highstreet devoid of all shops eventually. 
Also it's nice to keep the £$€¥ circulating locally. 
That said I'm not beyond the odd purchase if I can't find "it" locally. For instance LED lighting is either too young a concept or not popular enough locally. We didn't see, at point of sale, all those years/decades ago that there was a 60 W limit on the Bathroom Light-fitting. We were, neither of us, that vain and not overly keen on jettisoning anything which still works. Ergo the last bulb was a tad gloomy. 
It packed up, since Alice, so I was quite happy to use a torch while I looked, shopped and had an LED sent which claims to be 75W equivalent. Looks  a lot brighter then that.
WHAT the great grey green greasy Limpopo has that to do with the blip?
Well, it's like this Yer Onner. Recycling sits in a corner to accumulate rather than take several trips per day to the shed with a tin, a bottle, a bit of paper. When I came to do the current lot I saw apiece of paper in the bottom of the box, which, incidentally, was huge enough for four bulbs, let alone the one I got. "Better make sure it's just a delivery note" lifted it and beheld a wee pack of Haribo© thingies.
As I said ...Nearly missed them. 

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