Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Moon with new toy

This photo of the almost full moon over the Firth of Clyde tells two stories. One is that It is emblematic of the frustration of today: I had two appointments on the Other Side today, one at IRH and the other, arranged after the clinic appointment came through, with my much-needed hairdresser, and I had to cancel them both. The sea has actually looked calm all day on this shore, but on the Gourock side it was battering with a full tide on a NW gale and all the ferries were off over the middle part of the day. We hung around until the Western Ferries boat that had been sent over, empty, to attempt berthing at McInroy's Point returned without achieving its aim. By then it was too late to do anything but make the necessary phone calls and retire, defeated.

However, the plus point was that for the first time in a fortnight I felt up to attempting to learn a bit about my new camera. This involved (a) peering at the impossibly small print in the instruction booklet, in which neither of the illustrations seemed quite right and (b) hanging out of the window in a freezing wind to take photos of the moon that was now hanging mockingly over a relatively calm sea, a low tide, and a ferry crossing sedately.

So the main photo is of the first time I noticed the moon; the second taken a little later when it was brighter, with some interesting clouds and a darker sky. I was using ISO for both, but may have set it to RAW for the second one. I think I need to book a personal lesson in the shop ...

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