Both Sides Now

By issybe

Anticipating thundersnow

It hasn't hit us ... as yet!

Chauvinistic plonker update.......

.... so the rude plonker kept leaving my husband voicemails yesterday. Obviously interested in the car. My husband, refusing to deal with him, ignores the messages for a while, then sent him a text saying he could talk to me if he wanted to discuss the car!

So he rang me and did indeed appear keen on the car but as he could 'forsee' lots of issues with the car and offered a silly price.

I told him a polite lady from Birmingham was coming up with her daughter to view the car - which was true- and unless he offered the asking price I would not agree to a deal. He didn't like that and ended the call!

He phoned me back two hours later offering full price! I accepted!

My husband is still very cross with him .. I have calmed down and decided to pity him! Can't be easy having such ridiculous attitudes and such a rude manner.... it must make his life unnecessarily difficult .... but I guess it is his choice!

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