Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A winter's scene

Last night the snow arrived exactly as forecast - but it only snowed for about 45 minutes and then stopped, leaving the garden looking quite pretty all covered in snow. This morning the snow was still there, and I did plan to go out in search of some snowy fields to photograph but there was such a cold wind I realised it would be foolish to do so, given my current state of health. I later went for a drive and really liked this bare tree, so typical of a winter scene around here. There is a tiny bit of snow on the grass in the foreground but it had mostly melted by midday.

Thomas is now ill with flu and a cough and has been booked off sport so he won't be playing in the hockey match tomorrow. Luke gets back from his university ski trip tomorrow and we were meant to be going out for supper tomorrow night to celebrate Thomas' 16th birthday next week - we will have to see how we are all feeling tomorrow. Gavin is still coughing non stop, this is really taking a long while to get over.  

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