Grandeur from a bygone age

A shopping expedition to Newcastle today - not something we do very often as neither MrM nor I are fond of trudging around shops. But first things first - stopped at Branton Lakes en route for a walk with Louie. A chilly 3 degrees, but the sun was shining and it felt quite Spring-like.

Once in Newcastle we had a quick bit to eat and, after MrM had been to the music shop in the Grand Arcade (to look at guitars...), we made our purchases. MrM has a much needed new jumper. And our new TV will be delivered soon - hopefully it will last as long the existing one which is on its "last legs" and would probably be classified by some people as an antique, or vintage at the very least. (MrM and I are of the opinion that things should be made to last but, unfortunately, manufacturers seem to get away with "built-in obsolescence".) On the way back to the car park we called at the Chinese supermarket to replenish some of our spices. Then home via the Axminster tool shop where MrM bought one two necessities for the workshop, and Seaton Sluice, where we walked with Louie and watched huge waves crashing on to the rocks. 

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