Finding my memory

I'm trying to gather our "flash drives" together for our forthcoming trip.
This little bunch here (including a couple off-screen) comes to a total of 208Gb. That's amazing when I think back to my first (company owned) computer, which I believe was  20Mb RAM. (You can do the maths - my head's banging.)  I was working for a  large computer company at the time too, so we always had the most up-to-date of everything - I also had one of the first laptops (massive by today's standards) for when I travelled, and I was allowed to keep them when they were replaced by newer models as they were considered obsolete. The laptop is probably worth more now as an antique than it was originally. 
Today I went into work at about 11 am and worked until about 4:30pm. I think that's my longest day since December.  My session yesterday seemed to help though as when I awoke in the night I tried some of the breathing exercises and managed to get back to sleep. 
p.s. you may wonder what the bits of string and key rings are for - I find it's easier to find them in the bottom of my bag if something is attached.

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