A Tiny Garden...

...on a stick about three centimeters  in diameter and  twelve centimeters long.

Like most of my family and friends and many of my fellow Americans, as the inauguration approaches,I have been vacillating between trying to figure out how to think about it and trying not to think about it at all. One thing is sure...I will NOT be watching it or anything about it on Friday.

I can try to understand  people whose lives have changed because of changes in technology and loss of manufacturing jobs. But I also call it progress, and can't understand why these people would vote for a billionaire who has appointed a cabinet full of billionaires who are unlikely to do anything to change their circumstances, and fairly likely to make them worse. 

That goes double for women who have fought for decades for equal rights yet elected a man who has made vile and despicable comments revealing his attitudes toward them.

I won't go on...it's all been said far more eloquently than I can, but I will say this. As in the nation's capital and many cities all over the country, Santa Rosa will be holding a Women's March on Saturday. This doesn't mean it is limited to women. It means that it was organized by women to "bring together people of all genders, ages, races, cultures, political affiliations and backgrounds...to affirm our shared humanity."

I will be there. So will OilMan and I hope everyone who believes as we do will as well. A man who calls anyone who speaks out against him "liars" and refuses to acknowledge that he didn't win the popular vote needs to be shown how wrong he is. 

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