Spring - a continuation

So, the springlike weather appears to be hanging on. I've avoided looking at the forecast, preferring instead to bask in the wonderful warmth and sunshine we currently have. The rain, I feel sure, will come, but I shall just remember that we will have warmer weather when it has passed.

I found this snail while I was ripping the Clematis from the garage wall. JL came round and chopped the trunk for me (pulling out the stump - she's a legend!). The wall looks a little bare now, but I'll soon think of something to fill the space, I'm sure.

I'm thinking a passion fruit vine (long-term) and tomatoes and beans in the meantime.

I've been very efficient today; madly ticking things off my 'to-do' list. Still heaps on there, but at least I've made a fairly substantial start.

So, I give you snowdrops and snail today.

Off to walk the dog now.


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