Rupert's First Adventure

He did go walkies the other day, but today was Rupert's first proper adventure with us, complete with a winter picnic. We had to time it in between skiing, but it was a beautiful day so we thought it best to take advantage of this.

We went to the bird lake, and as it turned out, we were not alone. There was still ice on the shallow lake, and a few people were ice skating or just walking on the ice. Rupert, who is experienced and knowledgeable, said it would be dangerous so we stayed on dry land.

Our usual picnic spot was taken, but we found another good one. Mum had remembered to bring our blanket. During winter, we eat warm food on our picnics. Today we had freeze-dried Bolognese. Yum! We also climbed the bird watching tower - no birds spotted - before we went on a good long walkie over the meadows and hills.

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