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Raspberry's replacement cat tree arrived yesterday afternoon. The box looked better and other than a small scrap we could accept and fill in with marker, it was unscathed. The damaged one will be picked up by UPS  packed in the intact box that arrived yesterday. It will be sent back to Amazon with a courtesy pick up. It took a while to put together and it will take a while to get used to it for us and Raspberry. Her initial reaction has been positive. Unfortunately, the location we had to put it gives her even easier access to her favorite, the kitchen counters. She did actually like the big shipping box unpacking the best last evening!

Refined Lotus Cat Tree

Two populists were showing off today at the White House. Optics were everything, they managed to appear as if they were getting along. Both were ignoring questions they didn't want to answer.  He managed to answer her question about supporting NATO with a satisfactory reply, if one can ever believe what he says. His torture answer was horrifying even if he claims he'll defer to his Defense Secretary and allow Mattis to override his views. A meeting with the Queen is in the making I hear.

For the Record
This day came in with an amazing sunrise and is quite windy with sun and clouds.

All hands healthy

Extras...A rose colored early morning cat tree shot, swat goes the mouse off the tree and our sunrise just before 7

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