Season Ticket

Up in Aberdeen yesterday (pic shot from car not great - will backblip at some point) for Hearts game. First use of my shiny new season ticket.

First half pretty rough, basics seemed to elude them - you know simple things like keeping the ball n the ground when you are playing a team that is bigger than you are. Still a bit better by the end of the first and certainly much improved in second half. Lots of chances on goal but unfortunately ended in a 0-0 draw.

Macaroni pies not much to write home about and hot choclate could have done with a stir / spoon. Oh, and what about the man in black? Obvious from early on that he wasn't even close to being on the same side of the pitch. Grrr.

So, since I should really be writing about what happened today...

Took my fast 35mm out to play with tonight. I wanted to see just how good it was at trapping light in relative darkness. Reason? A couple of the guys at work have asked me to take the photos for a local conference they are hosting. Last one I tried this at was less than straightforward. Really strong contrasts and virtual darkness. Still, I reckoned one body with the 35mm f1.8, one with a 24 - 105mm and the coolpix with the uber zoom should just about cover all eventualities.

Any help / thoughts appreciated though.

Now off to shut the window to stop the rain coming in - AGAIN. Sigh.

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