What a haul!

3rd weigh in this morning. Another 1.5lbs lost. Which I was pleased with considering I wasn't particularly active last week beyond the accumulated 30 miles walked in school! Aiming for 2 more next week to get me to half a stone lost.

Rewarded myself with a trip into town with James so we could go and buy records. Got quite a haul - Joy Division, The Cure, The Smiths, David Bowie and Public Service Broadcasting. James got one of Ed Sheeran's albums and one by Jamie T. Wandered to Paperchase to buy a letter writing set. I am intending to reinstate traditional letters and am starting with my school friend, Nancy, who lives in the USA. Then on to Waterstones to get a couple of graphic novels (or comic books, which I get told off for calling them). Stopped in for a skinny coffee then home.

Spent the afternoon listening to my purchases, whilst doing some work and setting up my business page on Facebook for my sideline income earner (well, I expect it will earn me some income when I get going!), prepping our evening meal and getting on top of the laundry mountain.

Now watching Our Guy in China and then I am off to bed.

Feeling more positive today, having let the annoyance of yesterday drift away with my dreams last night.

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