gravy days

By gravyc


Our trip up north to visit family ccasionally offers us some surprises. Today's was one of the most unwelcome. Departing at 5am to beat the traffic was certainly working well, but just over halfway into our 300 mile journey multiple warning lights on the dashboard signaled problems ahead. 
The culprit was a disfunctional alternator. An emergency replacement was sourced and from there the day deteriorated.  The estimated replacement time was about an hour, cost about £300. 'OK, do it, we've no real option'  and what's a delay of an hour or two anyway.  
We were taken to a remote industrial estate and accommodated in a bland waiting room with 6 copies of Course Fishing and 2 copies of Hello magazine to entertain 2 young boys. One hour turned into two, then four and more. After more than 8 hours the car was started again. The good news? The repair company only charged us for 4, at £45 per hour that was welcome. The mechanic will never again volunteer to change a Honda alternator.

Our journey took 15 hours. 

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