Ilanaaq on Whistler Mountain

Another amazing day here in Whistler. The resort runs a 'Fresh Tracks breakfast' lift pass which we took advantage of this morning. We took the first gondola up the mountain at 7.15, had breakfast at the mountain cafe while watching the sun rise above the mountain tops & then just after 8, a bell rang & we had access to the newly groomed slopes. Sadly there had been no new powder overnight but the light & views were quite something.

Later in the day we skiied the 7 km 'Peak to Creek' run which runs between Whistler Peak & Creekside some 5020 feet below. This photo was taken on Whistler Peak looking toward the Black Tusk which I blipped a few days ago. The views are quite breath taking.

The stone structure is Ilanaaq, an inuksuk which was the emblem of the Vancouver winter games in 2010 .

Another cold day, hoping it warms up a wee bit tomorrow!

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