
By EgyptUnveiled

Crumbling Pylon

At last, the temperature has dropped and we can all come out of our air conditioned hidey holes and start living again. For a few days now, the strong Westerly wind has brought cool air, even a little chilly in the shade!

I parked the light roadster up today and went for a wander around the back of the Ramessium Temple. It is magnificent to see it from the main entrance (As was) facing towards the mighty Theban Necropolis.

I marvel at villagers living amongst this 3,500yr old history and not really having any regard for it. Donkeys tied to a tree as they would have been in ancient times possibly, throwing water onto the street to cool the sunbaked dust and litter blowing in the wind. 'Baksheesh' a very small person said as he was pushed forward by his smiling mother.

The Pylon seems to have deteriorated since I last visited in December. Mentioning it to a Guardian, he told me that a balloon had hit it and caused a significant amount of damage.

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