Dogs Days


What do you mean eat it outside?

It was bright and sunny today but unfortunately with a rather cold wind. I managed to find some sunny sheltered areas in the garden to snooze in. My Human went over to the Bungalow today and put some netting on the front gate apparently to keep me in, when I visit, the cheek of it. He didn't take me with him either as he also had some work to do on Yodi and Sweep's kennel roof. Damage from the storms in the spring that needed fixed before the winter.
This afternoon I was given this really tasty lamb shank, it was home produced but not really sure what it's name was when it was skipping about our fields. Do you know the Lady Human wouldn't let me in my house with it. I had to eat it on the door step. She can be very house proud at times, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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