An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

The Crocodile Scale Bridge...

Another really dull cold day.

This time, not just no hot water but no heating at all, whatsoever. The Economy 7 went off on Friday night (or failed to switch on) and by Saturday evening I noticed that the fan on the only storage heater in the entire flat was blowing out cold air, whilst the unit itself was stone cold.

Yesterday was bad - and cold.

Today, I could see the steam arising from my bacon sandwich, it was so cold.

I had to chase up the hot water situation, of course and also reported the failure of the heating. I really didn't want to hint what a coincidence it was that as soon as electricians start their fiddling, things go wrong....

So, I had one huge (ok, fat) mature gent scratching his head over the immersion hot water tank, whilst the cheeky get who I grew to dislike quite a lot last thing Friday afternoon made me move stuff so he could fiddle with the heater.

So, mister scratch-my-head admitted defeat and said 'sorry' "we'll have to send someone else", mister cheeky get found that indeed one his colleagues had switched off the wrong switch, probably last Thursday. But to her - and my credit, it was labelled wrongly. Yes, 'immersion heater' was labelled as 'lounge heater'. That had been labelled such since the new fuse box was installed ten years ago....So, I will get some warmth from 1.a.m. on but will take all night to heat up properly and as every one knows Economy 7 cannot be overridden,

For the bridge, this is an iron cast bridge over the Avon that has long been painted white. Aside of the many rivets (the crocodile scales of my title), it has large hoops every foot or so along the entire length. 

I'm peering through with the 120-400mm lens at 400mm wide open. I did get ones with one of the nearest hoop in focus but I liked most this one with hoops out of focus in front of and behind, thus creating this dreamy, rather soft creation. I also liked the hint of red from the Men at Work sign that is on the bend that the road goes round.

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