This morning there was a lot of frantic chasing, barking and growling going on after Foxy stole Jonty's baby and made off it with.
Jonty chased him around the landing, into bedrooms around and around until they ended up in Marlanes bedroom. I took loads of photos but most were out of focus with the rapid movement of them trying to get the baby off each other.
Foxy even managed to jump up and grab it when Jonty had baby on the bed and then a big Tug of War match ensued, which Jonty won.
You can see Jonty the victor on the bed and the defeated Foxy looking up forlornly wondering if he can jump up again to grab it.
He then went off to the bottom of the bed and lay down on the carpet to think about how bad he'd been.

Don't feel sorry for Foxy, I can hear you all going 'Aaahhhh, poor old Foxy'. He started it and always does !

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