
By OzGeoff

Lucky the Bird

I was sitting in the garden and a number of Rainbow Lorikeets had come down for drink as it has been so hot. So I headed and got the camera but then nothing came for a drink except Lucky.  I took so many shots hoping to get her tongue out lapping but no luck.

Fire danger is classified as Catastrophic for tomorrow - the highest ever fire risk.  The Fire Commissioner stated that in the past the highest fire risk figure used to be 100; they expect tomorrow to be 160-170.  Stay safe Blippers who live in fire prone areas.

We are constantly breaking heat and other records but what are our leaders doing - arguing over power outages and selling more coal.  Really, what will it be like when my grand-kids are my age!

PS. I went out to water the lawn and there was a Lori sitting on the bird bath.  Fortunately it stayed long enough for me to run and grab the little camera. (See Extras)

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