Cock up!

To be rectified - shortly, after a session on Wii to see what this relates to.

You can not possibly imagine how great it is to be grabbed and dragged off somewhere - ANYWHERE for a bit of a day out.
I'll not go so far as to say I will never go solo, but I've been so used to going where and when Alice wanted to that I freely admit I have bugger all incentive just now to stray over the doorstep except to shop.
So when Clicky & Jerra descend &/or 'phone and say "Would you like to come with us to ~*~*~*~*~ tomorrow, next Friday. etc. it's like a course of vitamins to my brain.
Today it was Dobbies for a bit to eat, wander about, monthly free cuppa and another, albeit unsuccessful, Murmuration hunt. We found it, but weren't close enough for any worthwhile shots.
When I finally got a Round Tuit, it boiled down to this or a lump of meat which manipulated my humerus by declaring "Rare roast Beef", about which I remarked 
"Doesn't look rare to me, looks quite plentiful in fact."
One of my mottos is "I'm not proud, I'll talk to anybody." As a result thereof I found my self chatting to a Helleborophile, with several plants, who kindly informed me, as we grumbled about how they always looked down, rather than up at us, "they" are trying to breed a strain which looks up rather than down.

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