What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Game's End

A little while back in I went to see 'The Hunger Games', a particularly brutal film and one based on the books pictured. I managed to get the trilogy a while back but I've been busy reading others and sometimes I need a motivator to start on a series - a train journey is good so I started on the way down to Exeter.

I flew through the first book, finishing it off just before the journey back up (had a copy of Empire for that leg though) and then got through book two on Monday with the bank holiday. I started the third, and, as predicted, it is getting to be tough reading as they are turning darker with each installment. They're also written first person which is not my favourite style, but it works very well from the emotional point of view that's needed for them.

In any case, as they're taking up so much time of late, I thought a Blip of them suitable as I near the end...

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