Noo soldiers

What a day! I didn't get any sleep last night as Noo had croup like cough. He was very distressed at 1.30am, so I had to get up with him. A cup of tea and a spoonful of honey calmed him down, and we settled for a night on the sofa, propped up with cushions. He slept like a baby........I was freezing cold and uncomfortable. I got up at 4.45am - my alarm was going off at 5am anyway. I wasn't firing on all cylinders at all, and I was a bit upset that I had to go and collect a van load of flowers when I'd worked so hard to finish my delivery in good time. I was still unsure about how I'd get home (GravyC dropped me at work and I had no car). In the end I bused some of the way and ran the rest. After a quick shower, I retrieved Noo's Amazon delivery (soldiers) from my 'safe place' and headed back to Nana's. Exhausted is what I am!!

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