
Cor, luv a duck, this one was far from water as it sat on my desk this morning. In the name of St Valentine, he has his day along with all the tills kerchinging countrywide.
There were other Valentine offerings as well which will benefit from the Blip limelight over the next few days.

As befits the day of romantic love, the sun showed its face in these airts for the first time in days. It was positively Springlike as His Lordship and I walked into town to have a Valentine's Day coffee in the RSA gallery looking out over a sunny Princes Street gardens.

There was a visit to a shoe shop where HL invested in smart brogues that have been on his wish list for years but which he had ruled out on account of his dodgy knees. However today his knees said ' OK, go for it young man!' And he did.
Yes, His Lordship is smiling a big beautiful smile. I should have blipped it.

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