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By pplnani

Soggy goldfinch

Stayed up late last night to get a blip of the moon as it was a clear night, just about to blip it this morning and RachelD has already put a great one on, so back to the drawing board for me. Dodged the showers and got some rainy flowers that were ok and a nice pic of a robin but as I sat looking at it on the computer I glanced out of the window at the rainy, windy, dull and COLD day and it reminded me of Christmas. I can't bear to think of winter again so soon that I'm afraid Mr Robin Redbreast got the chop for today. Instead, I chose this colourful goldfinch, even though it is a bit bedraggled it still cheered me up ( well, that and the fact that I raided the choccie biccies normally reserved for visitors, o dear!)

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