Chick Flick

By Flick

For Shed Monkey

This is a 4 part blip.
First the picture is for Shed Monkey who is very interested in bumps on heads.

Secondly , Shy got up for the first time today so that I could remake the bed and force him to drink liquids and take medication, I left for my lunchdate with Shy snuggled on the sofa a hot cup of tea and the Tv on and a quart of turkey soup bubbling merrily away for supper. When I came back he was no where to be seen soup turned off no sugar bowl or volume control to be seen anywhere... obviously he had wandered around half comatosed,God knows how long for...I eventually found the sugar bowl and handset by the bed ?!
Anyway he is making reasonable sense now and being less rude and grumpy that's good..

Thirdly had a great trip out with Abigail, the boys and Shed Monkey and her family to Castle Ashby it was FFFrrrEEEzing Goodbye Shedders have a great trip home and hope to see you in the new year :)

And fourthly I now take my foot off the pedal no obligations or demands on me i can clear the kitchen properly , get some food in , and maybe just maybe play with my Gocco

Once again I apologise for my inconsistant and sporadic commenting it's my brain cells, if they are not foggy they are diminishing rapidly. It's a very sad case ...

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