Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Just a little chaos

Fiona friday.  Today we took Fiona after school to do a couple errands we needed to do and hadn’t had time… One was to this very funky gift store  (Fireworks) where she had to try out a few whatevers.(I'm not at all sure why one would buy a hand to put on one's finger...)   Rexie got to come to school today as it was a special “stuffy” day.   She is very good about not wanting or asking for anything in the store.  But she was a big help picking out the gift we were looking for... Then to an office supply store (for printer ink) where she did manage to get a new notebook and pencil box and pen out of us….and then we proceeded to write stories at home.  Lots of stories.   About the artwork around, with covers she drew and stapled on the writing,.    Nevertheless, I'm still exhausted…..

Extras:  Well, I have to put this eagle on our electric pole up with the blue blue sky we enjoyed today.   Yes, the tripod does make a difference, I’m happy to say!  (with a 2 second delay)
the other is 2 of the story covers done with highlighters..… one for Pepe (story very close to what she told me last friday)_ and Sadness in the Garden, the title of a favorite painting by a Seattle artist. 

Actually I can't resist just a word about our new outrageously wrong secretary of the environment who got confirmed today and an event we attended last night at the UW college of the Environment, Ocean Sciences . "Labs Unlocked, Diving Deep into Ocean  Health.. one of our huge interests.. 3 parts, about experiments with ocean changes to coral and animal life (I didn't know that more co2 is making salmon acts not as smart!!) and what to do about the future, and a great section with college undergrads being trained to build oceanographic instruments to explore problems of the future.   The kids were so enthusiastic --this is the hope of the future!  I hope they can fix everything we can't.  the 3rd extra is a student with the underwater robot she built.   But it seems with a new director of the EPA that doesn't believe in climate change and is tied to oil interests, the prospects just got worse!!

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