a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Tiny Tuesday:  Star

A wonderful smell of aniseed wafts about as I take this shot, an EB Tiny Tuesday blip, with help from the spices cupboard.  I've focus stacked this one using Affinity Photo (which know allows photo stacking), so it is in fact 7 different shots.

What this exercise did demonstrate, is just how dirty my camera sensor is again, and its not 6 months since I last had it cleaned.  I do change lenses quite frequently and often when I am out and about, so I guess that to some extent getting dirt on the sensor is inevitable - its a real nuisance though :-)

Many thanks for your kind appreciation of yesterday's mono shot which is much appreciated :-)). My brother kindly pointed out the spelling mistake that auto correct had inserted into my text - one of the instances of "that" had morphed into "tit" in an unfortunate context.  As no one else commented, then I'm hoping that the rest of you either didn't pick up on it, or else were too polite to want to comment :o 

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