In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Fox on the run

Last hire last night, this morning was a family of four going to the airport. They had requested a large car as they had "lots" of luggage.
Their taxi was booked for 3.a.m. and when I got there 65 minutes before time, they were still getting ready, putting rubbish out to the bins, or should I be more precise, beside the bins, as they were too lazy to lift the lids on the large wheelie bins provided.
When they eventually started to come out, I saw the extent of their "lots2 of luggage. I could only get 3 of their extremely large cases and a laptop case in mine. I had to call up another car to get the rest in, and even then it was a push.
He complained that he wanted a larger vehicle, but I had to explain to him that even a massive, purpose built taxi would struggle with all their stuff, especially as the driver is not permitted to take luggage inside the vehicle, other than small stuff, although some do of course.
It took me over15 minutes to get going, and when we arrived his fair was £25. to which he compained that he was told it would be between £15 and £20.
MM lets see, if you were ready, and you didn't have so much luggage toload up it might have been. I didn't say that of course, I just smiled and said, " Sorry, but that is the price." Needless to say, no tip was forthcoming, as one generally finds that the more luggage people have, the less ikely they are to tip.
Anyway, as I was leaving the airport, this delightful fox was standing in the middle of the road licking something up off of it.
when I stopped, it just slowly moved on to the pavement and waited for me to pass. When it was obvious that I wasn't going to, it came back on aand allowed me to take several snaps, of which this was the best. it was taken from inside my car, with the windows rolled down, but with my phone as my camera battery was needing charged.

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