T'Other end.

I suspect one or two may get thoroughly brassed of by my repetitions of praise for Clicky & Jerra, in the way they took me under their collective wing after Alice.
Combined - for hauling me out of the doldrums now & then to whisk me off Blip chasing, or for a wander around a garden centre and inevitable Brew, occasionally free, due to our memberships of their garden Club.
Jerra - for dragging me off on walks in an attempt to rebuild my stamina.
On this particular occasion, we went for a wander around Kendal and a look at the R. Kent in case any of the Otters reported as being seen in daylight were in evidence, - no such luck.
Thence to Sunbiggin Tarn murmuration hunting. Starlings we saw aplenty; but both too far away and too dusk to get any meaningful shots.
While in Kendal we, fairly obviously, pointed at, more or less, the same things.
When we're out together I tend to lag on publishing to make sure I don't clash topics with either of them.
Jerra's shot of the Canoeists was sufficiently near identical to mine - Scrub Plan A.
Thence to Clicky - Similar. Scrub Plan B.
THEN, I noticed we'd shot opposite ends of the Church.
I took this as a Heaven-sent opportunity for my Blip plus a chance to climb a wee bit higher up the learning curve.

Previous attempts at "this" have resulted in one, or another, of the layers being eaten by its colleague.
NOW I know one way to do it - 1st practice.

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