Morning at the campus again.

Car day. Brakes sorted - much to my relief - but now some welding's required, as there's bad corrosion near the rear suspension on one side. Previous owner had some sort of repair done to that area, that wasn't declared or obvious at purchase time. It's darned obvious now. Steering also needs some work to loosen it up a bit. It's going to be an expensive month if the MOT's to be passed. If there was much more it would be time to consider scrapping it - especially as I've hardly used it. Buying a brand new bicycle every year, and catching the bus on bad days, would probably be a big saving! I will consider doing without a replacement when it does finally reach the end of ownership. Survived for years without a car in poorer days, and it's certainly not essential to me. Nor am I'm in any way an enthusiast for them - they're just transport. Frustrating and expensive transport!

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