Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Everything's Gone Green - New Order

It's a bit of a dreich day out here or this may have come out a bit better. One of the things I love about where my house is positioned is that if you sit in the right spot in the living room you can almost convince yourself you're right out in th ecountry rather than in a seventies housing scheme in a rather large dormitory village.

Sorry I've been a bit lax with commenting and responding to comments over the last few days. It's been down to a combination of wrk and finally getting round to getting 24 season 5 on DVD. Normal service will be restored just as soon as Jack Bauer has saved civilisation yet again.

New Order were one of my favourite bands in my teens and, like many of my generation I suspect, a big influence in terms of my love for electronic music. Sadly in my late teens they started going right downhill. I used to think Technique was the beginning of the end, but with hindsight there are still some good tracks on that, really that bloody World Cup song was the beginning of the end.

I probably listen to Joy Division more these days if I'm honest and some of my favourite New Order songs are teh ones written by Ian Curtiss before his death.

I still think Substance is a fantastic album though and this track is off it, not teh best track off it but still a good track none the less.

Have a listen here.

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