75 North Road

It was a fine calm and sunny morning.  It clouded over in the afternoon, and then wind picked up this evening,  with showers too.

I've been working all day in the museum.  It was a steady morning, and a busy afternoon, the new Gadderie show opened to the public.  I have also been working on my exhibition for next week, which will be in the Sullom hall.  I went to Lerwick this evening with Brian.  We went to visit his uncle Bobby in hospital, and also to see auntie Binnie, she's in hospital too.  It seemed like half of Northmavine were in visiting too :)  Walkies with Sammy in the rain, now time for a cuppa to warm up and a movie too :) 

It had clouded over by the time I went on my lunch break, but it was dry and I managed a walkabout town.  Coming down the old North Road, I came by my old humble abode, my first house.  I moved here when I was 20, the Green wooden croft house.  I loved it here, but finally moved out.  Shame I never bought the property, as it's a great house, but needed loads of work. I had great neighbours, Lena Cogle used to look to me from next door :)  Taken at 75 North Road, Lerwick.   

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