
By gillsabroad

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Spent the morning exploring more of the city and despite the ridiculous humidity and high temperatures I invested in a lovely soft and exceptionally lightweight down jacket! In fairness it was one of the few things I have found that fits an Amazonian like myself but it could also be a sign that I am looking forward to the Autumn and the ability to dress better ;)

On the way home I called into the Co-op for milk & bread and was distracted by the freshly made sushi and sashimi counter. All good intentions of going home and making pasta went out the window. 20% off, free edamame beans, points on my Co-op card and home before the rain started? That'll do nicely :) Happy Sunday blippers!

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J.R.R. Tolkien

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