Sandcastle Holidays

By Sandcastle


This morning our son and I managed to escape from his temporary incarceration and make a quick tour round the block from hospital to the Meadows to get some fresh air.

He found it a marvel to be outside again, and seeing things from a different angle. We looked for yellow things - a banana skin, a yellow car, some yellow lines etc. No idea why. But the fresh air helped a lot.

Some painful physio and a roll in the wheelchair to the shower meant that he felt well enough to haul himself on to his walking frame and make it all the way down the ward to the playroom. Huge achievement considering the op in his femur was only on Tuesday.

A visit from a friend this evening brought the news of his friend's brother having made 4th place in the World Climbing Championships in Singapore. This is a fantastic achievement as he is young for the age group he's climbing in.

My husband let me escape from hospital this evening overnight to get home for a sleep away from the howls of other people's kids for a while.

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