Hockney Blipmeet Day

Today we went to London to see the Hockney exhibition at Tate Britain and met up with fourteen other Blippers(Or Blip Related)  Blipmeeters!  What a lovely day we have had!  We had to wait outside the pub to get in for lunch, but it was well worth the wait.  If any of you are going to the exhibition and fancy a good pub lunch, we can recommend the White Swan on Vauxhall Bridge Road just round the corner from Pimlico Tube Station and Tate Britain.  We would recommend everything pretty much except the jacket potatoes which were deemed to be a bit on the small side...

Eventually, we set off for the museum to look around various parts of the museum and, of course, the Hockney exhibition.  We felt it was excessive crowded considering it was ticketed and it was a little difficult to be able to look at the exhibits properly.  I really liked most of it.  I loved his people paintings.  I loved the places, the sunbathers, the swimming pool,  I loved his photographic compilation shots, the lane in four seasons on 36 different television screens was amazing and the iPad art was fascinating. I was unmoved by the abstracts...

But what a riot of colour we were subjected to, assaulted by, offered generously and magnificently.  And what perspective and clarity!  Brilliant!

After that, and a stop in the cafe for some, we went our different ways.  Four of us wandered off towards Vauxhall Bridge and inspite of the general greyness, the light across the river turned out to be clear and beautiful.  And I liked the splash of colour provided by the amphibious duck.  We then walked across the bridge, in front of the Top secret Building i can't possibly discuss, along the river to Westminster, across the bridge, down the Embankment to St Paul's (A LONG WAY!), refreshment stop, Paternoster Square to see the disappointingly plasticy but very effective Marie Curie Daffodils, leap on a Tube and eventually home by 10.30.

Thank you Blippers for coming!  Hope you all got home safely, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

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