The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Water Mandala

I am pleased to say that today has been better than yesterday. What with the funeral of Jack Mitchell (see yesterday's blip) and the realisation that another funeral was under way elsewhere, and the need to organise and prepare for a family Skype conference (held at night because of the time differences) it wasn't an easy day. 

Today the sun shone, and I had another Skype call, this time to organise a cat sit in London for the Easter holidays. I am now fixed up for eleven days, at two different houses in London, with different cats. Obviously I will miss Steve and Bomble, but Steve can visit: not sure that Bomble would be welcome! I'd hoped to win the jackpot by securing a sit in Oslo, with a view over the fjords, but they never replied. Another time....

Later I walked over the fields to Rodborough, on the other side of Stroud, to join a new book group. Well, it was new for me... I had to admit that I'd only read a few pages of the Proust book (the volume about young girls in bloom) but I was able to admit that, and take part in the discussion. What I liked about this group, apart from the fact that it was at my friend's house which is very well appointed, is that it meets only twice or three times a year! I think I will skip the one I was planning to join in Cheltenham and stick with this one. I can't keep ushering new things into my life unless I let go of some others. 

Actually, I am reading a book called F*ck it, Do what you Love , which is not about totally changing your life overnight, but just working out what's important and what isn't. Simples. Why be in two book groups when you could be in one? There wasn't any giving the book marks out of ten in this group, as there was in the last one. There wasn't any food apart from the popcorn I brought from Waitrose, which was really good. All the little making of silly frilly tarts can so easily spiral out of control at book groups! 

I feel happy because the pressure is off re. the family situation which, as TML Has mentioned, concerns our grandfather's will. He died in 1977, but the 'matters arising' have now been dropped. I have to admit that I'm getting better at reading legal documents, though, so that is useful.

This image is of the river Frome at Capel's mill, which I've given the artistic treatment. I thought it looked vaguely like a Mandala. As I'm also reading books about Buddhism, this is apt.

Curry tonight! And possibly g-f rhubarb crumble. They go together like fish and flowers. 

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