Sunset photographer

The day started auspiciously with a clear sky. My drive to work was uncomplicated and I was favoured by light traffic and few red lights. I found an empty space in my preferred car park. And as I walked toward the entrance to the Liaison offices, the sun was rising behind Rangitoto, and casting a golden path across Lake Pupuke. My record of that is today's extra.

A quiet day then ensued, with just enough work to avoid feeling useless. Challenging discussions with the trainees and the other staff. Lovely cakes to mark the end of a brief (seven week) locum. And very light traffic on the motorway back to the central city. Arrived home feeling relaxed.

C and the lads were there, enjoying a wind down with S post school. Gradually the sun became lower in the sky, and the changing light and colours caught the attention. S suggested  getting down very low to show the sun hitting the top of the glass balustrades. Mr H went out with his phone to take a photo, and I took a photo to show him checking to make sure he had recorded what he wanted to.

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