Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


Over the past few years our University of Bradford campus has been undergoing quite a physical transformation, with some new build, some refurbishment and some demolition.

Today saw the last of the 60s/70s student residential blocks fall to the cruncher. These are the sorts of blocks that I remember from my own time a student, but today's students require en suite, and estates folk demand superior environmental performance.

Since The Green opened on campus last year these older blocks have been lying vacant. They would have been knocked down earlier in the summer, but a few of us noticed that there were still house sparrows nesting in vents high on the side of the buildings, and when we drew this to the attention of Estates they suspended operations until it was all clear. A reassuring story that lends some credence to our claims as an Ecoversity.

You can see the top of our latest building, the Sustainable Enterprise Centre which is due to be finished in a few weeks, between the demolished blocks and the tall blue Richmond Building behind.

Meanwhile, 4yo started school proper and took it all in her stride. She had herself all ready to go by 07:30, although school have her on afternoons for the first few days, so she was twiddling her thumbs all morning. She can't wait to get on with it.

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