Let There Be Light

By solli

Damsel In Distress

Coenagrionidae ~

I took a trip to Lenape with the intentions of blipping raindrops but I noticed the Damselfly hanging upside down on a weedy plant near the pond. She appeared to be about two inches long; a tiny very thing. Further inspection showed that her legs and her wings were terribly stuck to a very sticky leaf.

The damsel's predicament was an opportunity. During the time I observed her, she continually waved her one free leg as if to say come here, give me a hand will you? She repeatedly cleaned off the sticky substance and she arched and flipped backwards, twisting to change position. Her head darted about deftly while those large eyes popped out. (Please click here to see them!) I was completely in awe of her will to survive but what to do with those wings!

I couldn't leave her hanging like that. She had labored for her freedom, struggling against the forces that constrained her. I felt a strong bond of solidarity with the damsel but I also didn't want to damage her wings. I thought to break the plant and as I held it to the sky, I looked her in the eye. GET READY! I told her.

A few gentle shakes sent her landing on this leaf. She spent quite awhile in this position, grooming herself as she adjusted her body for temperature.

Take a closer look large and you will see amber seeds under the abdomen. They look like tiny jewels but they may be eggs. I need to investigate!

Please click on this link here to really see those amber eggs at 1600 pixels.

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