Wood's adventures

By Pippilongstock

Roy Harper - Flat, Baroque and Beserk

Album Challenge

A complete cheat this one. Roy is not meant to be until next Saturday, but since I was seeing him live during the challenge, I couldn't not blip him. And he sung this song from the album. For all those that thought Sir Paul's age was an excuse for his awfulness at the Olympic Opening ceremony, Roy's in tune and powerful vocal performance - at 71 years of age - was proof, if it were needed that age should be no excuse. Either you've got it or you haven't!

Friday at End of the Road was a celebration of 15 years of the Bella Union record label. Along with Roy we enjoyed Mountain Man, Lanterns on the Lake (had me in tears, got to love the power of music), John Grant and the Low Anthem. Plus I got to have an hour long massage in the secret garden which was wonderful and my equivalent of the beer and hot spiced cider which I missed out on this year!

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