The Power of Three

Thank you so much for all the response to yesterday's photo.
Yes it was the iphone, yes it was unedited and yes it really was that beautiful.

Sot hot on the heels of being in the lakes yesterday for the Helvellyn Triathlon ( spectating I hasten to add . What do you think I am ? Stupid??) I woke up and decided I would do a tri one day ( oh yes so there's the anwer to the stupid question). I never thought I would ever run a marathon and I did so anything is possible if you put your mind to it ( apart from liking George Galloway, oh and mushrooms ) . I leapt out of bed to have an early morning run before work and it was so worth it. The world's a different place first thing. It's like everyone you see, however few, knows the secret of being up and about before most other people and nature seems somehow prettier.

A cracking start to the day and gave me time to ponder the tri situation.

Cracking end to the day also. The girls came back after three and a half weeks away. Couple of live wires and full or energy and love. It was all going so well and then Erin gave me a belated birthday present which is 100 Mum songs. So sweet. BUT it has Simply Red on it!! For the love of christ! I am going to turn up at the school gates singing it loud tomorrow as pay back.

Bless them


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