She left me on Friday...

By DiscoDown

Birthday Girl

It's Karen's birthday today. We had planned the usual family get-together on Sunday to celebrate, but losing Cooper on Friday changed our moods considerably and Karen didn't really want to have everyone round at our house without him there. It might sound daft, but I completely agreed.

I didn't want to go back to work today and leave Karen on her own without Coops for the first time on her birthday, so I took the day off and we hung out and relaxed together. After dropping Jason off at school, we took Betty out for a walk with Marc in his buggy then we went for a spot of lunch. Nothing fancy. Just a trip to Wagamama.

After picking Jason up from school, we took a trip to see Karen's folks and got the fish supper I have been banging on about for weeks. Based on the way I have felt since devouring it, it will bd several weeks before I have another.

Happy Birthday Karen. xxx

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