Oaks - and a Potential Winner!

Did you know that it takes an oak tree 300 years to be born, 300 years to live and 300 years to die? We have plenty of old oaks around here, some of them we think are on their final 300 years. This one is part dead, but still beautiful. It is lucky to be in the oak nature reserve, where no one can take it down ever.

This year's semla contest, where we and grandma and grandpa eat a semla nearly every Tuesday from different bakeries in the city and then rate them from 1-5, is nearing its end. Which is Easter. Very lucky that we have found a serious contender, maybe even a potential winner! Someone named Ronaldo has baked it. At 4.5, it's in the lead! It's technically not Tuesday today, but mum made an exception.

What is a semla?

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