Day 2

This kid.

She got up at FOUR am. Yep. Four. Fouuuur in the morning. Her first outing today with her new band, the Intermediate Wind Band. She was, clearly, incredibly excited. She had a day off school for it.

She worked super hard on her piano and clarinet at home for a couple of hours first thing before it was time to get dressed in her uniform. She was so excited to have me pin her ensemble badge to her shirt. She looked back at me in the doorway and suddenly seemed to have aged another two years.

I said goodbye to her at music centre and saw her onto the coach at music centre. The next time I saw her was on stage at music for Youth with the band. She walked on looking so proud and so tiny. They absolutely blew me away. They were fantastic. She'd said she wanted to go on the bus back with the others. It was a very happy little katie that I met from the bus. She'd had such a good day!!

We got home in time to get her changed, fed & watered before heading to dance class. She left class a few minutes early because tonight we went to LONDON BABY!!!

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