
By Kaysha

Top Heavy

It was a 5am start for Miss A and I - she just couldn't sleep so we got up and I (superficially) cleaned the house and made a chicken pie, all before 8am! We even got to see daddy this morning before he left for work.

Once Little D was up and fed we spent the morning playing around the house, jumping on the beds, making human parcels with duvet covers and generally just being a bit silly. All my superficial housework was undone in no time.

And then....the sun came out - hurray!!

We took full advantage of the sunshine and spent it in the garden in dresses, shorts and t-shirts - yes, it was that hot. Miss A brought some books out and 'read' to Little D, gave him toy cars to play with, pushed him on the swing and fussed over him when he hurt his foot, saying 'Are you right? Are you right?'! She also dressed herself and Little D in the large alphabet jigsaw (another inspired fashion look from Miss A) and put on a song and dance. The pair of them are getting closer and closer every day and have such a giggle together. They do also fight and hit one another but hey, we'll gloss over that ;)

A late-afternoon visit from grandma and grandad was well received then it was off to bed for the final two chapters of 'The Faraway Tree Stories'. I'm sure a few chapters have been missed along the way but Miss A has thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm sure it will be read again one day. Little D was less interested in the book and more interested in giving his big sis lots of 'cuggles' at bedtime - adorable.

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